Monday, 22 May 2017

For some reason, looking back I thought of some shit ideas.
I was mostly influenced at the time by Katie Crawford. as she used the theme anxiety through out her work (which she portrayed well.

My ideas...

using a bath tub and filling it with black food colouring (less likely to stain)

using photography for this idea

also wearing clothing which will cling to me in the bath as well as clothing the fabric

use a thin, free flowing material

look like I am drowning

another idea...

inspired by an old inspiring artist of mine in the past with previous work.

Lucy McRae!

using tubes which will wrap around someone's body and filling it with colour water. (pumping it through the pipes

shows suffocation and feel tight or restricted.

I need to look into these ideas more and investigate into these artists. on why they did it and what they are trying to show through there work.

I also need to look more in detail of my ideas and this is only my first through ideas so I'm sure it will improve or change.

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